Chinmi later learned one of his signature moves, also fought against a foreign boxer Dick Stainer, one of the opponents that could possibly defeat him (although the result was draw), but later Master You Sen died, and Chinmi prompted to go on a journey to master his skills. Chinmi's rod training saga ends at the 8th volume, which continues with the next saga about training with the revered Master You Sen.

Starting from the sixth volume, Chinmi starts learning weapon-based Martial arts, mainly using long rods. It spans from the first to the sixth volume.

From there, Chinmi learned Martial Arts, especially Kung Fu. After defeating people who harasses his sister's restaurant, an old martial artist from the Dairin Temple (usually referred as 'Old Man') witnessed his talent and arranged him to depart into Dairin Temple. He is prophesized to become a master of martial arts, under the Dairin Temple. He has a certain talent in martial arts, and used to play with his pet monkey named Goku (named after the Monkey King Sun Wukong) in the forests, causing him to develop great agility. Chinmi is a boy who was helping his sister in restaurant business.